Change your life

(...and health habits.)

Health information overwhelm

i've been there 

Are you overwhelmed with health information? Bombarded with ads and friends selling costly supplements, diets, programs, and health products that PROMISE to fix your problem? Have you desperately tried it all only to be left even more frustrated and confused about health and wellness? Or have you found some relief but the result wasn't sustainable? I've been there, and it's discouraging and miserable. What if I told you that you are the expert and hold the answers? Sounds crazy, I know. It did to me too, until I was desperate enough to trust the process and give it a try.

 I'm on the other side of the chaos and I can honestly say that it is to have come back home to myself. To honor what my body has been trying to tell me through its signals. Feeling comfortable in your own skin and confidently knowing what works for you is not only possible and's a glorious place to be. It's time to stop the comparison game and cut out the guesswork. Nobody has time for that. Save time and money by partnering with a person who not only has the credentials, but has been there and come out the other side. 

1:1 Integrative
Wellness coaching

quiet the noise + Look within

Private sessions where health goals are determined based on the individual. I walk alongside you, empowering you with concrete steps to achieve your goals and equipping you with tools to ensure lasting change. You need a partner who can help you self-correct and prioritize when things don't go as planned. We'll work together and compassionately build a customized wellness routine based on 7 core areas of health.

let's chat

Group coaching

integrative wellness coaching 

Using the same process as individual coaching but in a group setting, you'll benefit from observing the struggles of others while maximizing combined energy, experience, and wisdom to achieve your individual goals. Change your life for the better and build life-long relationships with others who will share the journey with you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is INtegrative wellness coaching and how is it different? 

Integrative Health and Wellness (IHW) Coaching is a client-centered, relational approach to working with individuals collaboratively to address the health and wellbeing of the whole person. It acknowledges the interdependent roles of mind, body, and spirit, and the innate healing capacity within each person, with an emphasis on self-care.
We focus on 7 core areas of health: nutrition, movement, environment, relationships, sleep, resiliency, and spirituality. 

What do you focus on in an Integrative  Wellness session?

* What is most important to you in life and what you want your health and wellbeing for.
* The core areas that affect your health and wellbeing—how you would rate your satisfaction with each, currently, and which areas need more attention than others.
Your behavior change goal to improve your health and wellbeing.
* Action steps to achieve this goal.

What are your qualifications? 

Because I work with the whole person— addressing all core areas that influence your health and wellbeing. I'll ask powerful questions and facilitate the process to maximize your potential for success. I have a wealth of knowledge in lifestyle and integrative approaches for optimal health and wellbeing, which is essential as we work together to identify and articulate your goals and the actions to achieve them.

I earned my B.A. in Psychology from Lee University in 2008, my master's degree in Exercise and Nutrition Science from Lipscomb University in 2014, and my certification in Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching from The University of Arizona | Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine in 2022. At least 140 hours of integrative health and wellness course work and over 140 hours of coach training, rigorous evaluations of coaching skills, Motivational Interviewing proficiency, and documentation of 70 hours of practice coaching sessions.

Why is Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching effective?