Feel well + Live well

Health-hurdles are for jumping over. They're not a stop sign

Joining fees. Diet plan costs. That friend you haven't spoken with since college, but won't stop messaging you about her new "life-changing" program. It's just too much! There are cost effective ways to solve our health problems if we are willing to learn and implement these strategies. Have you been desperate, discouraged, and then tricked into purchasing supplements or nutrition plans only to get nowhere? I have. 

Out of desperation, I have spent countless dollars on food, exercise programs, and supplements from others who were not truly invested in my health. I blindly trusted, carrying false hope in a product or a person to help me achieve the results I wanted.  They certainly didn't have the eduction or certifications needed to effectively support me with my health goals. But I wanted a quick fix. I had what I call "the microwave mentality." I wanted results and I wanted them YESTERDAY. 

It's frustrating enough to be faced with various health hurdles. Adding hurdles such as cost and time investing in an unsustainable diet, supplement, or exercise program is a recipe for disaster and disappointment. Sometimes we settle for less, ignoring our "gut feeling" that something isn't quite right, because we are overwhelmed with choices. Will the results last? Can I actually do this? Can I afford this? How will these changes affect my family? 


What if I told you that you're the one with the answers? you just need a partner (that's me!) along for the journey

this is my story...

I was overweight, depressed, and inactive as a teenager. Then I went to the other extreme...struggling with anorexia and over-exercising. I had my bouts of orthorexia (an obsession with healthy eating with associated restrictive behaviors). I experienced several traumas that led to feeling debilitated and utterly BETRAYED BY MY BODY. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gastroparesis at the age of 32. 

As a recovering anorexic, I had a passion to help others find food and body image freedom. I decided to get my B.A. in Psychology and a Master's degree in Exercise and Nutrition Science. I was doing well, but I still believed there had to be more to whole health. I knew deep down that addressing my physical body wasn't enough, but what else was there? 

During my training to become a Yoga instructor, I learned more about trauma and how it affects the body. Everything clicked and the pieces of the puzzle came together. Addressing spirit, mind, and body was the answer. Addressing the WHOLE person is how to truly heal. 

I continued my studies at The Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine with The University of Arizona.  I learned how to integrate mind and body medicine alongside physical health practices, becoming a certified Integrative Wellness Coach in the Fall of 2022.

stop the guessing game and give integrative wellness coaching a try

tired of playing russian roulette with your health? 

You'll get 10 1:1 virtual sessions where you will be empowered and equipped with concrete, individualized tools and problem solving skills to propel you towards sustainable change. Meeting every two weeks, there will be an emphasis on nutrition, mindful movement, supplementation, and mind/body medicine. You'll also receive education on proven methods and alternative therapies. If you're local to Nashville, you'll also get a FREE Itovi scan (a $40 value)! 

This program is unique to YOU. I don't believe in a one size fits all (or most) approach. We all have unique strengths, hurdles, and cultural backgrounds that need to be taken into consideration in our journey to whole health wellness. This is a plan that is made for you and you alone. 

let's do it

define your dream

express your needs

come back home to your body

Your dreams matter. Your vision matters. The initial session is typically longer than the subsequent sessions as I get to know YOU and the WHY to behind your health goals. By asking curated questions, I will connect your passion to your health plan. This gears you up for sustainable success.

I will help you set and achieve your health goal (whether it be weight loss, weight gain, improved sleep, increased energy, making peace with food, decreasing inflammation, etc). 

Feel energized and good about your body with customized and sustainable wellness plans according to your unique needs. This includes education on gentle nutrition, mindful movement, wellness practices, smart supplementation, and complementary therapies. And that's only the beginning...

feel well + live well program

We will meet every two weeks to establish health needs and goals, while addressing potential hurdles and creating contingency plans along the way. We will adjust goals and individualized steps as necessary to create sustainable change. Anybody can try something for one week, but spacing our sessions out two weeks at time gives us a more accurate idea of what works/doesn't work for your distinctive situation. 

here's what's included:

4 months of 1:1 coaching 

You bring the questions and I'll bring the answers, referring you to resources and appropriate health professionals as needed. 

Q & A included in each session

We will create individualized plans in relation to nutrition, movement, sleep, resiliency, relationships, spirituality, and environment. This takes time, trial, and error. The good news is that you have a coaching partner to support you and keep you accountable along the way. 

Deep dive into 7 core areas of health

Many of us have lost touch with what matters most to us. We have been so conditioned by busyness and cultural expectation that it becomes necessary to take time to become aware of and connect to our "why"... our vision for life. Implementing the importance of our unique passions into our wellness goals works like a glue in terms of creating lasting change. I will walk alongside you and help you navigate and re-connect with your core values and aspirations. Most of aren't lost. We are just temporarily disconnected. 

detailed Exploration of your vision map 

Smart supplementation 

educational handouts

personalized movement program

Learn about supplementation and whether or not certain supplements could be a good fit for you.

Whether it's recipes, mindfulness practices,  or herbal remedies...you'll be equipped with educational handouts to enhance your journey towards wellness.

Overwhelmed with exercise options and suggestions? I'll help create a custom mindful movement program geared towards your specific needs. 


Client success stories

more ⟶

I feel like I was finally able to see myself grow in confidence week after week. It was nice to see how much growth I was experiencing. I feel reassured that I can do whatever I set my mind towards and everything will work out in the end. It felt grounding to have a session each week to discuss what was happening in my life and to keep me mindful. I really enjoyed having the mindful moment practice at the beginning of each session and appreciate Tara working with me when my goals would change every week. 

- Hourig A

I have lost over 50 pounds since working with Tara. I was first interested in working with her because honestly, I knew I needed a kick in the pants. It was helpful to bounce ideas off of her and get feedback and Tara provides a safe, non-judgmental space for me to be genuine. The process made me re-evaluate some of the choices I had been making for myself, especially in regards to nutrition. I now have the confidence to confront nutrition challenges and tools to hold myself accountable. My mindset regarding nutrition has improved, and I continue to be mindful about what I put into my body which helps me feel better mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

- Emma D

Ready to change your life? 

Contact me for a free 20 minute initial consultation

I'm ready

I'll guarantee change in your life

Yep. You read that right. Money-back guarantee. That's how much I believe in this process. If you get through the entire signature program and don't see results, then you'll get your money back. 

money-back guarantee policy: in order to get their money back, client must be able to provide documentation that they have done the work of the four month program which includes (but is not limited to): showing up for bi-weekly sessions, attempting various action steps, and participation in exercise programming

it's 3 easy steps:

1: book your initial consultation

2: do the work + 
    trust the process

3: take ownership of your health

book your free session

ready to make your health a priority?

Let's Go!